Re: TI-H: Demolition Calc


Re: TI-H: Demolition Calc

Okay.  There are two types of people...:

Techno Freaks: (Not the music)
Know computers
Could care less about the page, and care more about the server

User Freaks: (Not drug absers)
usually know close to nothing about computers.  :)
usually could care less about the server, and more about the page
commonly found at places like AOL.  :) (WEB TV)

You fall into te Techno catagory...

What realy bugs me is that there are millions of people on IRC who are
'elite know it all's and have everything figured out.  Know what I mean?  :)

You know the IRC format, and I know most all of the RFCs.  :)

I could recite the packet format for TCP, UDP, and IP off the top of my
head.  As well as Ethernet 802.3  :)


>I've let people bash just about anything on this that I liked or found
>interesting, but now you've gone to far. IRC is my livlihood. I've got
>the whole damn protocol memorized. I know the format of a Y: line
>without looking it up. I am the ultimate in IRC addicted slob. I'm
>recoding the whole damn server from scratch with a friend of mine.
>I LIVE for IRC, sure that shows what a pathetic excuse for a life i
>have, but still, this is going to far. Ok, that's my $0.02 worth.
>-- Jon Olson
>On Sat, Dec 19, 1998 at 02:06:49PM -0700, Rosyna wrote:
>> I'm pretty sure there is more than one IRC server and IRC is GAY
>> At approximately 2:41 PM -0500 on the day Earth People call 12/19/98,
>> you declared:
>> > I forgot that the only IRC server for macs sucks ass... oh well... poor
>> > macs... we should all just forget macOS and encourage Linux. Then maybe a
>> > Mac user will be able to say "my mac is better than your wintel!" without
>> > disagreement.
>> ---
>> I pledge allegiance to the Mac of Apple Computer Incorporated, and to
>> the developers for which it stands, one platform, under Jobs,
>> indestructible, with creativity and multimedia for all.
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