Re: TI-H: Re: Speedy Calc...

;telling me about the G5. He said it was due out by the end of the year 2000. >Anyway this processor is actually a small cluster of 4 processors and each of >these processors can handle a totally different task. You could dedicate >one to >games, one to graphics, one to the os, ect. He also said it would be >possible to >run 4 operating systems running at once (more likely you would have to suspend >the use of one while you use the other). It would be nice if wintel could do >something like this in the near future. The dual pentiums II are nice, but so >little software is made to run on a 2 processor system that it's not really >worth investing in it (imho). Ansys reported that the you only receive a 10% >increase on most applications. :( Thats what you get for using 2 processors that were never made for MP systems... The DEC chips were made for clusters (512 processors in the cray for example...). The PPC 750 processors aren't realy made for an MP enviornment, but the new processors IBM's making will. IBM has tested their new processors up to 255. Their cluster outperformed intels. There was a headline about it a while back... Anyway, I don't know about 4 procesors inside the same chip...maybe he just meant in the same box. :) Grant