Re: TI-H: Who gives a §hit about dyer! Not the law!


Re: TI-H: Who gives a §hit about dyer! Not the law!

> >No offense to PC lovers, i know all the opinions, and I accept them. I
> >have a
> >PC myself, I just havn't used it for 3 months cause I don't know why I
> >ever
> >bought it! (:
> Because Steve Jobs came back to Apple with the Kamikaze philosophy?

I built it for under $200 (Pentium). By colecting free parts from broken stuff!

> >(atleast the stupid dougnut munching clowns in my town
> >that let
> >so and so drive their couch truck after people and don't even suspend
> >their
> >license! (Which by the way, was hell!!!))
> Chased by a couch truck?!?  Please elaborate.
> A couch with a V-12 Engine?!?  ???  PLEASE ELABORATE on this while "couch
> truck driving" thing.

Big old Brown Ford truck with couches and a foafer bolted to the bed in back.
One day during their *NORMAL* run through town (over curbs, through the old
chicken meat processing plant parking lot, into streets, through stop sighns,
etc, at speeds exceding what I though was supposed to be the speed limit.

My buddy, Corey, is a freshman on the football team. The driver was also on
the tem, but didn't appreciate the freshman being included.

We were shopping the city wide garage sales (free boxes full of old phones, a
TV on the side of the road, a TRS-80 CC3 for $1, Disk cameras, and a TV studio
video camera for $7!!!). I love salvaging parts! (: Anyway, I met up with him
ONE AND A HALF BLOCKS from the police staion (I could read the sign!!!). We
started talking. My friend Jake (who helped me destroy the faithful VCR and
the TV! :) was with me. Corey had two of his friends with him. Then Jake's
sister and her friend run into us. we were goofing off, and stuff, and Corey
grabs me and says run! The Couchmobile can be heard from 2-3 blocks away
easily cause of the SAWED off exaust pipes (which I thought were illegal in my
area). Within a few seconds they sund the corner, and hopped th curb. We had 7
feet between us and the bumper. about 10 feet before stopping a kid jumps out
and runs after Corey. He runs to the bar, and hides behind a car. The runner
passes, and corey heads for the police station. He ran a total of 5-6 blocks
and hid during that time in under 2 minutes. The driver chases after one of
corey's friends, and the other goes after his second friend and opens a pocket knife!!!

Both of  Corey's friends run off, safely, but trailing those two morons
behind. I told Jake, Liz an Allysa to bike to the police station. Jake stayed
with me and we went to the police after already seeing corey arrive there. Liz
and Allysa bike to my grandma's house. Allong the way, they said the truck
came by and rammed up against the sidewalk's curb and they thought they were
about to die!!! No Kidding! Liz was crying later. What made things worse, is
that in my town, they are just terrorizing people they don't like and their
friends. They wouldn't do anything serious, but make their "enemies"
miserable. Thing is that Liz and Jake came from and area in pennsylvania where
gangs are real, and a grudge usualy ends in blood, so they are TERIFIED!!!
I've lived here long enough to know better (my little brother beat these
people up once! :)

Funny thing, is that the police report said there were 6 minors and one adult
witneses to the act. I thought, what adult??? I'd just turned 18 a few days
ago, and I had to be reminded I was now officialy an adult! (:

Police said: "Well, there's nothing we can do. Your word can't simply be
taken. I realize they are trouble makers, but until something serious happens,
we can't stop them." I was ready to scream and had this "you're going to die
look" and went to the cop and said "I saw them hop curbs, zoom passed stop
signs, drive EXTREMELY recklessly, and almost hit us! Are you serious!"

Thay gave me some more BS and If they weren't cops I'd have put a full forced
fist in his face! They made them sell the truck. Not impound it, not suspend
thier license. They made them sell it, only to give them enough cash for
another vehicle! It's pathetic. I've seen them speeding down the streets again
now that it's warm!!!

If they try that again, I'm going to REALY make them afraid!!! They are realy
wimps, but with a ton of steel at your control, you can make anyone run! Like
I said, my little brother beat the cr•p out of two of them cause they were
folowing him around making fun of him.

If they mess with me again, they are messing with someone who'll kick their
butts if they try!

Later that day, I was talking to allysa's Dad, and he was saying how Brown
County's cops are literaly the joke of the STATE!!! He was completely
serious!!! Sleepy Eye is a small town, and the cops aren't prepared for the
sudden burst of crime lately. The past decade has left us with drug and all
kinds of stupid junk! It's not bad, but it does happen in the backstreets
every once in a while. It's not bad here, probably one of the better places,
but it just goes to show how problems are spreading to even the small towns!!!

Well, I supose the Couch truck was explained good enough for you! (:

Drop your mouth at my police force's pathetic side and then have a good laugh!

Richard Piotter

The Richfiles TI Hardware and BASIC web page:

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