Re: TI-H: vacation prog problem


Re: TI-H: vacation prog problem

Uh, Pal, Eudora won't even build a X509 cert into it... They aren't planning on a new version either. They are just hoping their
profits will keep coming in; I've contacted them since the Lab here needs it; but they refuse.
P.S. I agree it's good for what you said; Netscape can't do that; but a UNIX shell scipt PERL program could; easily... About 20
lines of code...

Leif Gregory wrote:

> If you get an email program like Eudora ( ), that
> has good filtering capability, you can set up a filter that autoresponds
> with an away message to any email you receive except ones that contain the
> words TI anywhere in the header. Eudora is THE email program to have.
> At 04:58 PM 12/10/97 +0100, you wrote:
> >Thanks for using NetForward!
> >
> >v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v
> >
> >
> >* this might appear a bit of-topic, but you'll be lucky if it the
> >problem's solved *
> >
> >I'm using a vacation program, that answers all my e-mails while I'm
> >abroad.
> >But now I joined TI-Hardware, so I think that when the program's on,
> >whenever I'll recieve a mail from the list, it will send a dummy message
> >back telling the whole group (read: you!) that I'm not here... I assume
> >you can also live without that info, so: HOW TO STOP THAT??? After all,
> >I don't want to quit the list when abroad, because I want to read all
> >the postings when I'm back again - on the other hand I want the vacation
> >program to run for all other (non-list) senders.
> >
> >Help please - otherwise I'll just try it ;-)
> >Thanx, Philipp
> >
> <html>
> Leif<br>
> <br>
> <font face="Courier, Courier" size=2>8 of 10 people suffer hemorrhoids! The other 2 enjoy them.<br>
> <br>
> </font><font size=1>-<br>
>     <a href="" eudora="autourl"></a>/     <br>
>     (2D/3D Graphics, electronics, TI85)<br>
>     <br>
>     Dedicated to providing you with more<br>
>     information than you needed to know. <br>
> <br>
>     To email me, remove the z in my address  -<br>
> </font></html>

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