Re: TIB: High School Computer Classes


Re: TIB: High School Computer Classes

(Keep in mind I'm a lowly freshman.)

I agree. The problem is, 3/4 of the kids in my Geometry class (I'm not in 
honors...) wouldn't know what to with a graphing calc if came up and bit them 
in the ass. All they know is that I can play games on them. (In my case, 
since it's a regular Geometry class, half the class is sophmores that took 
Algebra last year, and freshmen who took Algebra in 8th grade (that's 
considered quite advanced here in Alabama). What's even more sad about that 
class is that only 4 of the some 20-25 people know how to factor, and 
conincidently these are the same people who went to the "smart" middle school 
and took Algebra I in 8th grade. And I'm one of those people.)

Of course, I've heard the honors class isn't exactly very bright either (they 
have to dumb everything down for the kids who went to the middle school with 
imcompenent math teachers and didn't even learn how to factor....I'm not even 
sure they did the basics of sine, cosine, and tangent).

In a message dated 4/14/00 11:43:42 PM Central Daylight Time, writes:

<< Getting back to calcs, I think that math courses should use them more in, 
 well, their courses. Often times, when we learn a new technique in my 
 Pre-Calc class that requires five minutes per problem or something, I go 
 home and look in my 86's manual's index to see if there's a function on 
 my calc that'll do it instantly. If we've got these machines to do the 
 number crunching for us, why do we really need to learn to do the number 
 crunching? Just my opinion, anyway...

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