Re: TIB: G'day


Re: TIB: G'day

>yo i gotta makin a game but i keep getting a memory error

There are two possibilities to why you get this error. One is that the calc 
runs out of mem because you make too many variables (eg. a rather large 
matrix), but this will only happen when the mem is nearly full.
The other possibility is probably more likely. In your program, make sure 
that you don't have anything similar to the following:
If A=3
Goto B
Goto A

Using Goto statements in an If-Then-Else-End statement will cause the calc 
to gradually run out of mem because the End command will never be reached. 
The same applies to If-Then-End statements.
The way I fix this problem is to do something like the following:
If A=3
Goto B
If A{not equal}3
Goto A

This way, there are no End's to be reached. I hope this helps..

James Vernon

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