Re: TIB: Program Checking


Re: TIB: Program Checking

Kevin J DeGraaf wrote:

> Hi all,
> I just thought I'd add my two cents to the conversation.  I think a
> 4-star/5-star rating system is rather silly (no offense), as no one would
> download the 4's.  Also, the rating is subjective and can vary from
> reviewer to reviewer.  Storing all the files is a waste of space and is
> confusing.  IMHO, the best solution is to keep one "best" program for
> each task (Quad formula, radical reducer, etc.) and to compare any
> incoming files to the current "standard" program.  This will eliminate
> the clutter and confusion.  As Bryan has pointed out, this would be a
> tremendous amount of work, so I propose that "beta testing" groups be set
> up, one for each calculator, composed of volunteers with the calc they
> plan to test programs for, a _working_ link system in place, and the
> committment to speedily test programs (I volunteer for the 86!  ;-).  The
> logistics wouldn't be that difficult to work out
> (CGI-bin-password-protected web site on for beta testers,
> etc.).  What do you think, Bryan?
> Kevin J. DeGraaf
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I think setting up a seperate beta testing group for each calculator would
take a lot of time & effort to coordinate.  I'm still thinking of different
options.  So far I like the 5-star rating idea the best.

Bryan Rabeler <>
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