Re: TIB:New programer (my commented code)


Re: TIB:New programer (my commented code)


> Local x
> Local w
> Local z

Change that to  Local x,w,z ; you can make a "list" of local variables using
one  Local  command

> rand(100)»x
> string(x)
> Request "Guess a number 1-100",w

what is  string(x)  supposed to do?  lt's not stored to any make
x  a string use  string(x)»x


> If z>1 Then
> Output 0,62,"You won in"
> Output 0,128,z
> Output 0,140,"tries."

You can make that a little smaller and more efficient by putting 
Output 0,62,"You won in"&string(z)&"tries."

> Output 0,71,"You won in"
> Output 0,137,z
> Output 0,149,"try"

Same method here too.