

Well I did a report on a book that told otherwise..THE WORLD IS FULL OF


>They did not. Apple did the same thing as Microsoft. Apple saw the GUI at
>PARC, borrowed what they wanted and made their OS. The difference between
>Apple borrowing from PARC and Microsoft borrowing from Apple, was that
>PARC didn't think their GUI would be of use anywhere else, so they didn't
>sue Apple for taking their ideas. Apple did try to sue Microsoft for look
>and feel, but failed.
>At any rate, this is probably the best source of information on the whole
>lawsuit and history of the GUI.
>Interesting sections :
>Section II.B.4{21} Apple borrowing from PARC.
>Section II.B.1{15} Microsoft borrowing from Apple.
>Section II.B.4{20} The crux of why Apple failed in the lawsuit.
>Section II.B.2{18} A little more as to why they failed.
>If your going to make statements, provide proof. Otherwise say "I think,"
>or "Rumor has it."
>Leif Gregory
>(2D/3D Graphics, electronics, TI85, and a mirror for the
>Hardware Book, the largest collection of pinouts and cable diagrams).
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