Re: TIB: Logs


Re: TIB: Logs

im using an 89 

the typing is an idea  but its a little slow
At 12:49 AM 12/2/98 -0500, you wrote:
>ummm...why not try typing it...ya know there's a qwerty keyboard on the 92's.
>I'm guessing that's what you're using since you said you can't find the LOG
>button.  If you mean some other calculator then look under the GRAPH
button on
>the 85 series or above the LN button on most (usually by pressing 2nd LN I
>believe).  You should be able to find LOG somewhere on the keyboard.  The
>calculator that I know of that doesn't have the log key is the 92, but how
>hard is it to type in L-O-G?
