TIB: Limitations for an RPG


TIB: Limitations for an RPG

  Since the list is not dead then I have a question. What limitations are 
there for a RPG on the TI-92, so that people would want to play?

     Size 20k 30k even 50 or 60k?

     Does the game need to be hack and slash like Zelda or could it use 
the combat system in
     Final Fantasy?

     Are people whiling to tolerate graphics (scrolling) or must it be 
text based?

     Is the well used plot of save the world from destruction still valid?

     Should it be a full world map, meaning everything is told were to be 
placed like Zelda,
     or overhead map and zoom in on towns and other hot spots, like in 
Final Fantasy?

     How long should the game play last 1 hour 2 or more?

  I would be glad to hear your ideas and thoughts on an RPG for the 92. 
If you don't want to clutter the list just send mail to: mikev@iserv.net

