Re: Price-hunting for a TI-83+?


Re: Price-hunting for a TI-83+?

At 02:04 AM 10/20/00 -0400, Ray Kremer wrote:
>You've now missed the back-to-school season sales, but department stores
>like Wal-Mart and Target carry TIs, as does Best Buy.  And then there's the
>educational dealers:
>Still, $100 for the calc and the Graph Link is probably about as good as
>you're going to find.
>>    I'm trying to find a place to buy one for a good price, so far the best
>price I found, surprisingly to me, was on the TI's online store.  $100 for
>the calc and the comp link, which is exactly what I want.
>>    Does anyone know any other sites, real stores, or other such places
>where I can go price-hunting?

You can always try e-Bay.  I usually get most of my electronic equipment
about half-price from there.

           Thomas J. Hruska --
Shining Light Productions -- "Meeting the needs of fellow programmers"

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