Re: homemade links are trash


Re: homemade links are trash

It's an interesting argument.  The TI link is good because you know it's in
working condition when you get it, and the software is guaranteed compatible
because TI made it.  However, getting the COM ports in line for the Graph
Link is perpetually a pain in the @$$, and TI is not known for being much
help (though I've done my best to fill that void).

The homemade links range in quality, especially if you make it yourself and
you've never done something like that before.  I still don't really
understand the deal with the linking software for the homemades, and you
have to depend on hackers to serve up a new version whenever a new calc comes
out.  The main advantage is that for the parallel links, the printer port
is very easy to find.  On the other hand, Mac users are stuck with TI's
link, no homemade version is around for them.  On the third hand, import
taxes drive the European price of TI's link to around $70US, so they all
use homemades over there.

I personally perfer getting matching brand-name accessories for my
brand-name equipment, and I trust the assembly line over hand-made any day.