Re: Question about Assembly...


Re: Question about Assembly...

You do have the ti-86.h file, right?  It is an include file, which means the
main code uses little bits of code that are defined in ti-86.h.  The program
cannot assembly without all the code there.

>I have just downloaded a program called "Assembly Studio 86" for my TI-86
>calculator.  Now, when I open up a game, already made and perfected by
>another programmer, in the Assembly Studio 86 program and try to compile
>and send it to my TI-86 it doesn't work.  It ALWAYS gives me errors like,
>"Error #201 Not defined", or, "ti-86.h not found".  Why?  I mean, these
>are games already compiled, run, and played on a TI-86 by other
>programmers.  Why won't it send to my calculator and why does it get all
>those errors?  I suppose those programmers had no problem because we're
>obviously playing their games on our calculators!  What's going on?
>Anything would help.  Thanks!

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