Re: Ti-86 wierdness


Re: Ti-86 wierdness

Ray, sorry about the late response.

I have looked at your [excellent] FAQ.  Without actually going through
that process of doing all that you mention,  I can tell you that I have
found no commands that are 86 specific that harm the 85 in anyway.
Logically, you could make the arguement that TI could not know the
commands that they would be putting into the 86 when they made the 85,
so why would anything be put into the rom about them?

For example, if a program transferred to the 85 had the command PlOn (an
86 only stat command), the 85 would error with 07 ERROR SYNTAX.  Unless
the 85 had a variable named PlOn.  Then the variable would be put into
the Ans variable.  If there was a program on the 85 named PlOn, it
would  be exucuted as a sub-program.  The 85 does not crash.  I have
tried it.

By the way, I don't remember if I mentioned it in my posting, but I have
an 85 with rom 10.0 and an 86 with the early 1.2 rom.

For example, any of these can be used as anyother variable/program on
the 85 without any ill effects:
..and others

...just to name a few.  The problem starts when variables like those
named above are created on an 85 (which causes no problems), and then
transferred to an 86, which has no builtin protection against this.  The
86 then has a command and a variable with the same name, and obviously
gets confused.  This is where a crash can happen.  I had to reset my 86
a couple of times and restore my programs from backup because I had
unerasable variables on my 86 that messed with the stats, etc!

I hope I answered your question,

Ray Kremer wrote:
> Actually, that's pretty cool.  Hey, recently someone tried to convince me
> that if you managed to get a TI-86 program onto a TI-85 (using the method at
> ) and the program had 86-exclusive commands,
> you run the risk of crashing the calculator.  I remain convinced that a
> syntax error is the worst that could happen, but since you have both at your
> disposal would you care to confirm/deny this for me?
>      Ray Kremer
> >Well, a couple of days ago I was bored in school.  (okay, I was really
> >bored), but I had my 85, 86, and link cable.
> >
> >
> >As if you cared,
> >Todd
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