Re: TI-89 and Plusshell


Re: TI-89 and Plusshell

i'm thinking that those ported games are just ported for the 92+ version of
plusshell.  if you look at the homepage for plusshell it says only the prgs
in the dist. will run.


Kyle Wadsten wrote in message <6ueoas$6lu$>...
>I thought I was the only one having trouble with PS...
>If anyone has the solution, let us know!
>unconnected wrote in message <6udfuq$h8b$>...
>>i seem to have a problem running plusshell programs on my ti-89.  i can
>>plusshell to run regular asm programs (hello world, graytest, ect.), but
>>programs that were originally writen for fargo and converted to .9xz.
>>i try to run one from the shell i get a window saying, "Protected memory
>>violation"  then, when i try to run shell again it says, "Invalid program
>>reference."  i can however get nibbles to run.  please help.  i don't want
>>to have to carry my 86 around to play games. (:  thanx.
