Re: A better calculator, for what?


Re: A better calculator, for what?

Nice summary, found one mistake, big one too...

At 05:13 PM 09/30/98 -0500, ToddEStan wrote:
>suspect a calculator that looks like 83 :)  The 89 is banned from the
>SAT, but allowed on the ACT BTW.  The 83/86 are accepted on both.  The
Backwards.  Allowed on SAT but not on ACT.

Bill Risher        Sparr      UIN:1952775    ._, . . .
Lorenai #44        Makra      FON:9316484164 |_) o | |
Overlord n7hq      Decius                    |_) | | |
mailto://  FAX:9315526807 ^ ` ^ ^ ^
