Re: p/link


Re: p/link

At 07:56 PM 6/7/98 -0230, you wrote:
>ok, I got the pc end working perfectly. Plastic case on and everything.
>However, the calc end doesn't work. I have used Linktest, and that was
>fine. I am using an a/v cable, but that shouldn't be a problem. I
>couldn't find a 2.5mm plug, so I soldered everything to a 3.5mm one and
>used an adapter to bring it down to 2.5mm. After doing this, all
>connections still work out fine. But the head of the 2.5mm doesn't look
>exactly like the calc's reg link. Calc's is straight on the sides, where
>the one I bought has a dip near the tip. Could this be a problem? If
>not, what could it be?

Does the calc freeze when you have the cable in all the way?  If it does,
that's probably because the rubber rings on the link cable are larger than
your adapter.  I have the same problem with my adapter for my headphones
for my 82 (yes, I do listen to the cheezy sound wherever possible).

Try wrapping a little piece of tape/tightly wrapped plastic around the area
where the rubber should be or cut the excess metal off (if you can find a
sharp enough tool) from where the rubber should go.  Don't insert it into
your calc until you are sure it won't come off and stay in the link port,
therefore ruining the calc.  If anyone knows where I can get a GOOD adapter
(not from Radio Shack) that is EXACTLY like the TI-GraphLink, please let me
know.  TIA

                 Thomas J. Hruska --
Shining Light Productions -- "Meeting the needs of fellow programmers"
