Re: Daedalus info


Re: Daedalus info

At 04:20 PM 11/26/97 -0500, John F. Malluck wrote:
>Hello All,
>        I have info on ray casting and other stuff used in Daedalus,
>including C source. It's all in this wonderful book, "Tricks of The Game
>Programming Gurus." If anyone is interested, drop me a line. If you can
>buy the book. (I got mine for 5 dollars--Close out?)
>        -Michael

I got it too =)

Great book =)

Doesn't it have Asm source as well for many things? I haven't read it in a
while but I do remember it using masm...

|  Joseph M. Gaffney -  |
|            IRC: CuCullin, rm-rf              |
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