TI-92 application question


TI-92 application question

I have an interesting situation with my TI-92.  It does not seem to correctly
perform Application #5 (the second part - "Finding the Minimum Surface Area
Analytically" on page 349) from the Guidebook.  I typed in the example
exactly as indicated.  Step 1 returns the desired result, but Step 2 returns
a "Circular Definition" error.  What's going on.  Also, I tried breaking it
up into two or three separate steps, and eventually got something that could
be simplified into the answer the book gets, although I had to do the
simplifying by hand!

For example, I eventually got y=sqrt(v/x).  I tried to solve this for x using
Solve(y=sqrt(v/x),x), and all it returned was the original, y=sqrt(v/x).  Why
wouldn't it simplify?

I have ROM 1.11, if that helps.

Thank you,
Darryl Buller
