TI-83 Programming Questions


TI-83 Programming Questions

OK, I'm quite new at TI-BASIC and I need a few pointers. I am sorry if
I am asking questions that are printed in the manual but I've read it
from cover to cover and can't find the answers.

These questions are for the TI-83.

1. Is it possible to disable the busy indicator from TI-BASIC?

2. How can you get rid of the "Done" message after a program finishes?
People seem to want a teacher key, and a blank home screen is better
than one with a "Done" message.

3. Is it possible to find out the amount of memory remaining from a

4. I need two TI-83's to communicate with each other and swap
variables over the link. Is there any way to synchronise the transfer
so that you don't have to press enter on one when the other is ready,
or will I have to use delay loops? If I do have to use delay loops -
how long would you reccomend?

I hope I haven't asked any questions that have been asked before. If I
have, I apologize.


