Re: Slotz v1.5- Enjoy!


Re: Slotz v1.5- Enjoy!

On Sat, 19 Oct 1996 12:41:57 4 "Lee Ott" <> writes:
>           If you want to fix the bug,, all you need to do is add one
>to the random number before storing it.  This will make sure that it
>never is 0.
>    (rand(##))+1->variable.        "I'm not sur is you need the ()
>                                                   around rand(##)."
>hope this helps!
>                                                             Lee Ott

Thanks, I was going to do that before posting it, but I was too lazy and
decided to leave it as an exercise for the end user :-)

As for the parenthesis around rand(##), I doubt that it would be a
requirement, since (##) is just an argument for rand, but I usually use
more parenthesis than I have to--to make SURE that calculator does my
operations in the order I want it too.  A lot of bugs are caused by order
of operations.

|/|/esley McGrew
