Re: 2 answer quadratics on TI-85?


Re: 2 answer quadratics on TI-85?

Ian wrote:
> This has been bugging me for a while now.  When ever I have a quadratic,
> and I run it through the solver, my calculator seems to randomly pick
> which answer it wants to give me.  Is there any way I can get it to tell
> me both answers?
> I'm in 10th grade and were doing begining of the year review, I don't
> appreciate haveing to do the quadratics by hand.  Any help would be much
> apreciated.
solver uses something like newton's method which ends up with the answer
closest to your initial guess. (the number in the variable before you
solve for it)
if this space is blank, the initial guess is the average of the bound

to get both answers, use the [2nd] [poly] solver. choose 2 if the
highest exponent is x squared, then just enter the coefficients the way
it says and
solve. you will get all roots, real and imaginary. it should be the same
number of roots as the degree of the equation.

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