Re: Various notes about the TI 92


Re: Various notes about the TI 92

James Rankin wrote:
> Richard Gallagher wrote:
> > The TI-92 gives a incorrect result for the limit of 0^x as x tends
> > toward 0.  It gives the limit as 1 from the left, right and both
> > sides.  In fact the limit is 0 from the right, no limit from the left
> > and hence no limit from both sides.  It does give a 0^0 replaced by 1
> > warning, but that does not really make up for it.
> Are you sure? I believe lim x->0 (0^x) is 1.

Look at the values of the function at x>0. All of these values are 0;
therefore, the limit from both sides can't be 1, regardless of
what the limit from the left is.

I'm sure this was probably just a silly mistake -- believe
me, I make my own all the time [like spelling "theory" wrong in a previous

Here's something else you may also want to try on the 92:

1. Evaluate 1/0 -- you should get undefined
2. Evaluate 0^2
3. Evaluate 1/ans(1)
4. Stare in horror as your 92 reports infinity

Just so nobody gets the wrong idea, I LOVE my TI-92 -- it's great,
but it's not perfect. Yet. :)

Shameless plug: Looking for number theory programs (yes, I didn't
type "theory" wrong this time) for your TI-92? Ver 0.7 of my
number theory program group should be available and now includes an
implementation of pollard's p-1 method of factoring. Also:
Pollard, that hideous program, is now a function (rho) that returns a much
prettier string.

Hope this helps...

- Paul
