Re: TI-83 makes 85 obsolete?


Re: TI-83 makes 85 obsolete?

On Wed, 24 Jul 1996, Mikael Bonnier wrote:

> Paul Pollack <> wrote:
> >You can see how it compares to other TI graphing calcs at:
> >
> Can the TI-83 do string processing?

I didn't buy the 83 because I needed a calc so I'm not
disapointed.  But if I had bought it to calculate with
it I would be disapointed.  I've also gotten curious
enough to buy an 85 now and there is a huge difference.
Compared to the 85, the 83 is a childs toy.

The 83 has 10 pre-named string variables (str1 - str0)
and that is it.  There ain't no more strings.  You can't
name your own variables.  There are numeric variables,
all pre-named.  The only think you can name yourself is
a program.

The 83 is a great tool for someone that likes the z80 and
wants to play with one.  It is not a serious calculator.

The 85 is a much more powerful calculator.

