Re: Help me somebody, I'm dying just because I'm a newbe!!!!


Re: Help me somebody, I'm dying just because I'm a newbe!!!!

> > ASCII????
> American Standard Code for Information Interchange.
> ABCDEFGHIJLKMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ is ASCII, so is 1234567890.  If you are in DOS
> or a text editor of some kind (on a PC), hold down ALT with your Num Lock
> key on, and press any number under 254 on your number keypad.  The
> character that pops up is the character for that ASCII code (i.e. the
> little block is the character for ASCII 254)
WRONG!!! :)
ASCII was orgianly only 7-bits, 0-127 are all the "standard" charters,
the rest is maded up buy IBM...
Go ahead get on any non-IBM conpatable comupter (comodor 64,128, apple
IIe, what ever) and type "10 print chr(254)"...  I even think it is
different on the ti-85 as well...
> ----------
> Pager: +1 972 609-1585

