Re: TI-83 Challenge (fwd)


Re: TI-83 Challenge (fwd)

On Mon, 9 Dec 1996, Walter Strapps wrote:

> Folks:
> I admit I am 'packaging-challenged'. Does anyone know how to open the
> plastic package on a TI-83 without severe injury? I have just opened 7 and
> will soon have 53 more to do. Sorry for being off-topic.
> -Walter

I wish.  Aren't those a pain?  Try a cutting board to chop off the top,
then rip the packging apart with your hands.  Make sure the calculator
doesn't go flying across the room in the process.  Wearing protective
eyewear is also advisable.

Maybe someone from TI can explain why these things are harder to get into
than compact discs now?

        -- Johnny Big Dog

|                |                                                    |
|    ---------   |  John M.H. Miyares (aka "Johnny Big Dog")          |
|        |       |  Home:  1 Kavanaugh Pl. Bar Harbor, ME  04609      |
|        |       |  Work:  Department of Mathematics, MDI High School |
|    ----+----   |  P.O. Box 180, Mount Desert, ME  04660             |
|        |       |  (h) (207) 288-8272                                |
|        |       |  (w) (207) 288-5011, Voice Mail Box #820           |
|    ____|       |  E-Mail:             |
|                |                                                    |
> Walter Strapps
> Mathematics Consultant
> Strait Regional School Board
> Box 300, Port Hastings
> Nova Scotia, Canada, B0H 1X0