A92: How to show EXPR variables...


A92: How to show EXPR variables...


I endly had time to write a text file which explains
how we can show the contents of EXPR files
on a TI-92+/TI-89.
I will put it on ticalc I soon as I can.

I also send a new and better exprview plugin for PCT98.


		       on a ti-92+/ti-89

	by Benoit SCHERRER, NeXO Software
	e-mail : p.c.scherrer@wanadoo.fr

I am proud of announcing that I found how to show the contents
of EXPR variables from an assembly program on a TI-92+ (It
should also work on a TI-89).

	I. THE TI-92+ ROM :

I found in the TI-92+ ROM the following code :
( in a 1.01 ROM )

515A92	move.w	d5,(a7)		;push the handle of the file
515A94	jsr	$49BBCC		;Call a ROM function 1

515A9A	move.l	a4,(a7)		;a4 was already the end of the EXPR
				;var, pointing to the EXPR signatur
515A9C	jsr	$4CCE36		;Call a ROM function 2
515AA2	move.w	#$0,(a7)	; ?
515AA6	move.w	#$1,-(a7)	; ?
515AAA	move.l	$76FC,-(a7)	;At $76FC there is the address of
				;memory where the EXPR file has been
				;duplicated by the previous ROM function
				;(in a stack frame ?)
515AAE	jsr	$466A70		;Call the most important ROM function
515AB4	addq.l	#6,a7

The $466A70 ROM call creates a buffer where it put the decoded
contents of the EXPR file. The handle of the buffer is returned
in d0.w ( null if it failed ). The function also returns in a1.l
the address of the buffer -2.

Don't forget that the buffer MUST be deleted after its use with

For compatibility reasons between ROM versions, we can't make an
assembly program with static ROM addresses.
Hopefully the TI-92+ and the TI-89 have a ROM functions table
which is filled with the addresses of most important ROM functions
offers by those calculators. To get the address of the table,
just read the long-word at $0000C8.

For our use, we need 3 ROM functions : the $49BBCC function (on
my calc) seems to be the 154th of the table, and the $466A70 
function the 79th of the table. The problem is that the
$4CCE36 function is not in the ROM table. But don't worry, it can
be solve : If you disassemble the $4CCE36 function, you see:

4CCE36: movea.l	$4(a7),a1
	move.l	a1,-(a7)
	move.l	a1,-(a7)
	jsr	$4CC910		;the 266th function of the table
	addq.l	#4,a7
	move.l	a0,-(a7)
	jsr	$4CC7E6		;the 744th function of the table 479754
	addq.l	#8,a7

Consequently this function can be made without any static ROM addresses.

The second thing to change is the a4 register. When in the ROM I found :
	515A9A	move.l	a4,(a7)		
	515A9C	jsr	$4CCE36		;Call a ROM function 2
a4 was already the end of the EXPR file for a long time. Therefore we
have to set ourself the register. Since the previous ROM function
called ($49BBCC) returns a1 = beginning of EXPR file -2, we could
write :
	move.w	2(a1),d0		;get size of file
	ext.l	d0			;make d0 a long-word
	lea	1+2(a1,d0.l),a1		;address of end of the file

	move.l	a1,-(a7)
	jsr	$4CCE36			;Call a ROM function 2
	addq.l	#4,a7

Well, If you didn't really understood the previous things, 
here is an example of a function which returns in a1 the address
of the decoded EXPR datas :

	move.l	$C8,a4			;get ROM functions table addr
					;a4 and a5 are never modified

	move.w	d0,-(a7)		;Push handle of the file
	move.l	154*4(a4),a5		;154th function of the table
	jsr	(a5)			;Call ROM function
	addq.l	#2,a7			;Pop the stack

	move.w	2(a1),d0		;get size of file
	ext.l	d0			;make d0 a long-word
	lea	1+2(a1,d0.l),a1		;address of end of the file

	move.l	a1,-(a7)		;copy of the $4CCE36 function
	move.l	a1,-(a7)
	move.l	266*4(a4),a5		;266th function of the table
	jsr	(a5)			;Call ROM function
	addq.l	#4,a7
	move.l	a0,-(a7)
	move.l	744*4(a4),a5		;154th function of the table
	jsr	(a5)			;Call ROM function
	addq.l	#8,a7

	move.w	#0,-(a7)		;?
	move.w	#1,-(a7)		;?
	move.l	$76FC,-(a7)		;
	move.l	79*4(a4),a5		;79th function of the table
	jsr	(a5)			;call function
	addq.l	#8,a7

		;NOW : 	d0.w = 	the handle of the created buffer
		;		null if failed
		;	a1.l = 	address of decoded EXPR datas

	III. Contact Me
If you have any question, mail me at :

I will try to answer to all you emails. 

You can use all piece of information explain in this text file
totally freely.
I spent a lot of time to discover that. So if you use my method
to show EXPR files, I would be glad that you mention me.


NeXO Software
