A92: FORTH for the TI-92


A92: FORTH for the TI-92

> Ooooh!  What's the progress on FORTH?  *grin*

It's far from being completed, but it works so far and all important
routines are implemented. I have a lot of plans what has to be done
in the future (the most difficult part will be writing the 
documentation, though ;-)) but the current version is working and
stable. If anyone wants to do some beta testing, please mail me.
I'm going to write a short documentation about which routines are
implemented and the implementation dependent stuff as defined by
the ANS FORTH standard. Note that this won't be a guide to FORTH!
It only documents the things which are not included in the ANS FORTH
standard documentation. (You may get the ANS FORTH specification
from http://www.forth.org (Thanks to Ed Wall who gave me that 
address for my research))

The current version of FORTH is capable of doing the following stuff:
   * access to TIOS files; all operations will simulate PC-like
     files to the user but internally the necessary TIOS specific
     data will be put to the file, making it look like a TEXT file
     to the TIOS (which you can actually edit with the TI-92's editor
     if you only put text in it with WRITE-LINE)
   * 40x16 terminal-like text screen, supporting w on b, b on w
     and underlined display of characters with a blinking 
     (interrupt controlled) cursor (whose height can also be set)
   * 240x128, 4 grayshade graphic routines (currently only PIXEL@
     and PIXEL! for reading and writing pixels)
   * 48 bit floating point routines 
   * storing data into one of 10000 1024 byte memory blocks, 
     which are wrapped into TI-92 String variables in a folder
     named 'BLOCKS'; those files are stored compressed to reduce
     memory usage
   * ... and all the other things you can usually do with FORTH
   * quite good crash proofness which only reduced speed of FORTH
     by 10% (breaking running programs, keeping programs from
     writing to read-only addresses etc...)
So if you're interested in bug-testing, please contact me...


Follow-Ups: References: