A92: Request of Information about DJGPP...


A92: Request of Information about DJGPP...

To Whom It May Concern:

Sorry for asking about this again, but I so rarely empty my "Deleted Items"
folder.  It so happened I forgot to move the reply out of it.  Oh well...
such is life.

I just pulled down DJGPP (80MB+ of it :)  I need to know what work you have
already done on it.  I really don't want to re-invent the wheel!  What was
the command-line you used?  Are you using the compiler to output an
assembler source listing and then using Fargo?

I would appreciate your help with this,

Aaron Hill (Redmond, WA)
E-mail: SeracOhw24@msn.com
IRC Nick: SeracOhw (EF-Net)