Re: A92: Sound Library


Re: A92: Sound Library

Sorry it took me a long time, but its on now.  This wouldn't
happen to be a port of Markus Klisics' SoundLib for Fargo 0.1.x would it?

Bryan Rabeler <>
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On Fri, 16 Oct 1998, David Kühling wrote:

> It doesn't seem as if I will be able to get internet access within the
> next time. So I think it is the best to post my Sound Library to this
> lib. It contains a sound routine, that gets the frequency (Hz) and the
> duration (ms) of a tone, and plays it through the serial port, and a
> quite smart Play - routine, that play tunes, that are made up by a lot
> of dc.b commands and many equates. I hope someone will find it useful.
> Bryan, could you please put it to ?
> PS: I'm going to have 1 week holliday starting tomorrow. Since I'm
>     mailing from my school's computers, I won't be able to receive
>     mails during that time.
> bye,
> 							David Kühling

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