Re: A92: The trap funtion


Re: A92: The trap funtion

Will Shaver schrieb:
> I am trying to learn asm for the 68000, and dont have any previous asm
> experience. I have read Jimmy's Guide, and Newbies.txt, which were both
> very helpful. There are however some things that wernt explained.
> I have been trying to understand the sprite test prgm.
> **********
> _main
>     move.w #$0700,d0
>     trap #1

Nothing but replace the interrupt-mask-value by 7 (that are the lower three bits 
of the status-reg high byte,low byte = condition code reg )
> **********
> What does the trap do. I have looked at Jimmys guide, and he says that
> you can use 16 different vectors. (i'm guessing #1 - #16 or #$1 - #$1F
> yes?) But he fails to say what these vectors do exactly. Can someone
> explain at least what #1 does?
>                         -Will Shaver
