A89: Re: ASM ? About Rom Calls to integrate functions...


A89: Re: ASM ? About Rom Calls to integrate functions...


> hi,
> I am wanting to write an assembly program that will be able
> to call functions like
> integrate(f(x),x)
> limit(f(x),x,0)
> and so forth.
> What I need to know is the equ's and what else has to be 
> set for that call. If some one has information on this 
> please email me or post it here. Thank you for you help
> Caleb

It can be done. Function NG_execute may help. It can execute
any expression, function, or statement from TI basic. It 
expects the handle of the block which contains wanted 
expresion to be executed in tokenized form (which is 
basically RPN). If you don't know the format of tokenized
form (which I can post to you), you may use the function 
push_parse_text which accept arbitrary string and convert
them to tokenized form on the expressions stack. To see 
concrete example, look DoorsOS library userlib to see how
function "runprog" is implemented (it calls both 
push_parse_text and NG_execute).

Zeljko Juric