Re: A89: Need some help with an error


Re: A89: Need some help with an error

> delay:
>  move.w  #0,d0
> =20
> delay_repeat:
>     add.w   #1,d0
>     cmp     delay_len,d0
>     bne     delay_repeat

I'd recommend using the full cmp.w, regardless of what the assembler
defaults to - it might fail when you want cmp.b or cmp.l and don't specify

You could also save yourself a byte or two by increasing delay_len and using
the following code:

    move.w delay_len,d0
    dbra d0,\delay_repeat

>     rts
> =20
> _main:
>  jsr graphlib::clr_scr  ; clear the screen
> loop:
> =20
>     move.w  numx,d0   =20
>  move.w  #20,d1   =20
>  move.l  #ball_sprite,a0

if you're loading the address of a label into a register, you _should_ use:

lea ball_sprite(PC),a0

>     jsr     graphlib::put_sprite
>  cmp #0,dir
>  beq right

Once again, specify the size in cmp. . . and for a neat little optimization,
these two lines can be written as:

    tst.w dir        ;triggers beq if dir = 0, bne otherwise
    beq right

>  cmp #1,dir
>  beq left
>  bsr loop

Here's where the error is - should be "bra loop".  You're overflowing the
stack and running into protected mem

> moveleft:
>  move #1,dir
>  bsr loop
> moveright:
>  move #0,dir
>  bsr loop

Those should _all_ be "bra loop" and not bsr

> right:
>  add.w #1,numx
>  cmp  #100,numx
>  beq moveleft
>  bsr loop
> left:
>  sub.w #1,numx
>  cmp  #1,numx
>  beq moveright
>  bsr loop=20

I think that you want these

> end:

Don't use end as a label, a68k wants to use it as a directive.  And in a
kernel using prog like this one, you should use _exit (and xdef if like you
do _main and _comment) as the label to finish uo, so that the kernel can run
that code on a crash.

>  clr.l d0
>  clr.l d1
>  clr.w numx
>  clr.w temp
>  rts     ; end of program

