Re: A89: 12x12 sprite routine


Re: A89: 12x12 sprite routine

on the contrary my frind,i have made 10x10 and 12x12 sprite routines.  and
trust me, they _are_ those dimensions, not "not-completely-used-16 by x"

----- Original Message -----
From: Scott Noveck <>
To: <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Thursday, September 30, 1999 3:16 PM
Subject: Re: A89: 12x12 sprite routine

> >Does anyone know where to get a good 12x12 sprite routine?? I need one
> >the 89 version of Laser Mayhem ( so if you want a 89
> >version... i need help finding a 12x12 sprite routine.. ( I really dont
> >wanna make one :) )
> First of all, never think of them as 12x12 sprites -- technically, there's
> no such thing here.  There are 16x12 sprites where only the left portion
> used, but not 12x12.
> That said, use graphlib::put_sprite (or put_sprite_mask, which may be more
> appropriate for Laser Mayhem).  It's so darn useful that you only need a
> special routine if you're looking for extreme speed, background storing,
> some other useful feature it doesn't have.  Writing your own sprite
> is like reinventing the wheel.
> If you DO need something that graphlib doesn't provide, Dix Gregis wrote a
> great 16x16 routine (with the exceptiom of that horizontal clipping bug).
> have it somewhere on my laptop if you need it.  Email me or the list (or
> both) if you need anything else.
>     -Scott