A89: Libraries webpage.


A89: Libraries webpage.

im just wondering what everyone here thinks about a webpage for the 
libraries.  basically for all of us geeks who are online when you program.  i 
don't know why, but this seemed like a good idea, and maybe i could make a 
webpage thats all for ti-89 asm libraries.  and make a main page, where you 
choose a category such as graphics, text, compression, etc...  and it will 
like bring you to a page that has all of the different *.h files.  and leads 
you to the right one.  this seems like a good idea to me, but prolly not 
anyone else.  so mail to <a 
il to let me know.  rate it.  1-5 on usefulness of an idea.  1=wow,  you need 
a life, thats the stupidest thing i ever heard-5=wow, you need a life, but 
that could be helpful.  if it would be helpful i don't know how long it would 
take to do it.  but if i ever get a chance, and stay home.  i may.  thanks.

p.s.  sorry for the email.  but its easiet to already set up everything so 
you jsut rate it.  thanks 
