A89: Library webpage, resent


A89: Library webpage, resent

im just wondering what everyone here thinks about a webpage for the 
libraries.  basically for all of us geeks who are online when you program.  i 
don't know why, but this seemed like a good idea, and maybe i could make a 
webpage thats all for ti-89 asm libraries.  and make a main page, where you 
choose a category such as graphics, text, compression, etc...  and it will 
like bring you to a page that has all of the different *.h files.  and leads 
you to the right one.  this seems like a good idea to me, but prolly not 
anyone else.  so mail to <a 
</a>.  don't respond directly to this mail.  this seems like a good idea to 
me, but prolly not anyone else.  so mail to let me know how you rate it.  
1=loser, thats not helpful.  or 5=damn good idea ol' chap.  so let me know, 
and if it sucks, ill hang my head in shame, if it works, i may just make it. 
thanks for the input from everyone who sends a reply.

p.s.  sorry for the html,  but it just made it alot easier to send it that 
way instead, of having a bunch of people keep writing to this list and piss 
and moan at me.