Re: A89: Internet Link (tchtml)


Re: A89: Internet Link (tchtml)

Why would you have to? Just take real HTML and have the calc parse 
it, not a really big deal. A basic one must understand at least all 
table tags, list tags, title tags (Not meta) it does not have to 
understand any font tags except for a few sizes if that. But for 
images it would have to put a place holder and put the alt tag in the 
place holder, and have the place holder be the size defined in the 
tag. Just ignore all other tags. And you cannot connect a modem to 
post school lines as they are usually digital and will fry a modem.

At approximately 7:10 PM -0800GMT on the day Earth People call 
1/9/99, [ E R I C ] declared:

> Creating the language itself would be simple. We could just define our
> own tags:

I pledge allegiance to the Mac of Apple Computer Incorporated, and to 
the developers for which it stands, one platform, under Jobs, 
indestructible, with creativity and multimedia for all. 

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