Re: A89: Exit routine


Re: A89: Exit routine

If you are talking about your tic tac toe program, I fixed that.  I rewrote 
your program to learn 68k asm.  Thank you for writeing it.  It was small 
enough for me not to get lost in.  If you are intrested you can look at what 
I came up with.

Thx a lot


>Subject: Re: A89: Exit routine
>Date: Wed, 25 Aug 1999 18:00:01 EDT
>In a message dated 99-08-25 17:49:56 EDT, you write:
>I really don't think that this is his problem...i can't think of any reason
>why anyone would bsr to the exit routine...It probably does have something 
>do w/ your bra(s) though...I know I had a problem where I had to press exit 
>or 3 times before my game would officially exit...

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;                                Tic Tac Toe
;                 Created By   : Steven Reagan
;                 Rewritten By : Matt Baker

     include "tios.h"             ;included for ti rom calls
     include "util.h"             ;included for clr_scr, and idle_loop
     include "linelib.h"          ;included for fline
     include "graphlib.h"         ;included for put_sprite2

     xdef _main                   ;program starts at main
     xdef _comment
     xdef _ti89                   ;defines what calc is used

_main:                            ;code starts here
     jsr util::clr_scr            ;lib function which clears the screen
     move.w #1,-(a7)              ;set to normal font
     jsr tios::FontSetSys         ;calls tios romcall which sets the desired font
     add.l #2,a7                  ;fixes stack because a word(2 bytes) was pushed

     move.w #4,-(a7)              ;set to black on white
     pea by(pc)                   ;pushes address of string on the stack
     move.w #12,-(a7)             ;pushes y-coord on the stack
     move.w #70,-(a7)             ;pushes x-coord on the stack
     jsr tios::DrawStrXY          ;calls tios romcall which displays a string
     add.l #10,a7                 ;fixes stack, (word + word + word + long word = 10)     

     move.w #2,-(a7)              ;set to large font
     jsr tios::FontSetSys         ;calls tios romcall which sets the desired font
     add.l #2,a7                  ;fixes stack because a word(2 bytes) was pushed

     move.w #4,-(a7)              ;set to black on white
     pea tic(pc)                  ;pushes address of string on the stack
     move.w #0,-(a7)              ;pushes y-coord on the stack
     move.w #0,-(a7)              ;pushes x-coord on the stack
     jsr tios::DrawStrXY          ;calls tios romcall which displays a string
     add.l #8,a7                  ;fixes stack 3 words and one longword were pushed,
                                  ;but I only push 8 back on cuz I want to keep the last
                                  ;word for the next call to DrawStrXY
                                  ;The only reason I do this is to save a few bytes in
                                  ;reference to the program size.

     pea scr(pc)                  ;pushes address of string on the stack
     move.w #22,-(a7)             ;pushes y-coord on the stack
     move.w #25,-(a7)             ;pushes x-coord on the stack
     jsr tios::DrawStrXY          ;calls tios romcall which displays a string
     add.l #10,a7                 ;10 because I make up for the word I did not fix last time

     bsr title_screen_grid        ;draws grid seen at title screen
     jsr util::idle_loop          ;calls idle loop which waits for a key press and stores 
                                  ;the keycode in d0

Begin:                            ;game jumps back here after a win or tie (new game)
     bsr clear_vars               ;clears all vars that may have been left by last game
     jsr util::clr_scr            ;after key pressed (title screen exited) then clear the 
                                  ;screen for the game
     bsr drawgrid                 ;calls sub routine which draws the grid using fline

     move.b #1,turn               ;x goes first

     bsr disp_box_sprite          ;since the starting point for the box was already initilized
                                  ;in clear_vars, go ahaid and display the box in its initial

loop:                             ;game jumps back here when it needs another key to be pressed
     jsr util::idle_loop          ;waits for keypress/stores keycode in d0
     cmp.w #264,d0                ;compare key that was pressed to 264(esc character code)
     bne test_up                  ;if it is not an escape go to test_up
     rts                          ;if it is an escape then return from game to shell/home

     cmp.w #337,d0                ;compare key that was pressed to 337(up character code)
     bne test_down                ;if it is not an up then go to test_down
     bsr box_erase                ;since we are going to move the box erase the previous one
     cmp.b #15,box_y              ;15 will be the value of box_y if the box is in the top row
     bne normal_up                ;if it is not in the top row then just move it up normaly
     move.b #81,box_y             ;since we were at the top we want to go to the bottom
                                  ;I set it to 22+the bottom since it will have 22 subtracted
     move.b #3,coord_y            ;set the coord to 1 + the bottom one, since I am going to
                                  ;let it fall out. ( it will have 1 subtracted )
     sub.b #22,box_y              ;subtract 22 from the y position of the box
     sub.b #1,coord_y             ;subtract 1 from the y coord
     bsr disp_box_sprite          ;display new box
     cmp.w #340,d0                ;compare key that was pressed to 340(down character code)
     bne test_right               ;if it is not an down then go to test_right
     bsr box_erase                ;since we are going to move the box erase the previous one
     cmp.b #59,box_y              ;59 will be the value of box_y if it is in the last row
     bne normal_down              ;if it is not in the bottom row then move it normally
     move.b #-7,box_y             ;it is in the bottom row so I set it to -7 so I can let 
                                  ;it fall out
     move.b #-1,coord_y           ;same here I set it to -1 so I can let it fall out
     add.b #22,box_y              ;add 22 from the y position of the box
     add.b #1,coord_y             ;add 1 from the y coord
     bsr disp_box_sprite          ;display the new box
     cmp.w #344,d0                ;compare key that was pressed to 344(right character code)
     bne test_left                ;if it is not an right then go to test_left
     bsr box_erase                ;since we are going to move the box erase the previous one
     cmp.b #93,box_x              ;if it is in the right most col then box_x will be 93
     bne normal_right             ;if it is not in the right most col then move it normally
     move.b #27,box_x             ;it is in the right most col so I set it to 27 so it can
                                  ;just fall out
     move.b #-1,coord_x           ;same here I set it to -1 so I can let it fall out
     add.b #22,box_x              ;add 22 from the x position of the box
     add.b #1,coord_x             ;add 1 from the x coord
     bsr disp_box_sprite          ;display the new box
     cmp.w #338,d0                ;compare key that was pressed to 338(left character code)
     bne test_F1                  ;if it is not a left then go to test_F1
     bsr box_erase                ;since we are going to move the box erase the previous one
     cmp.b #49,box_x              ;if it is in the left most col then box_x will be 49
     bne normal_left              ;if it is not in the left most col then move normally
     move.b #115,box_x            ;it is in the left most col so I set it to 115 so it can
                                  ;yep you guessed it fall out
     move.b #3,coord_x            ;same here I set it to 3 so I can let it fall out
     sub.b #22,box_x              ;subtract 22 from the x position of the box
     sub.b #1,coord_x             ;subtract 1 from the x coord
     bsr disp_box_sprite          ;display the new box
     cmp.w #268,d0                ;compare key that was pressed to 268(F1 character code)
     bne loop                     ;if none of these keys were pressed loop again

     clr.l d0                     ;clear the data registers that I want to work with.
     clr.l d1
     clr.l d2

     lea board(pc),a0             ;move the address of the board to a0
     move.b coord_y,d1            ;move coord_y to d1
     move.b coord_x,d2            ;move coord_x to d2
     mulu #3,d1                   ;mult d1 by 3 because there are 3 spots in each row
     adda d1,a0                   ;add offset to the address of the board
     move.b 0(a0,d2),d0           ;move the contence of the spot in question to d0
     tst.b d0                     ;test it to see if it is occupied
     bne loop                     ;If it is not zero, spot is taken so go back to loop

     move.b turn,0(a0,d2)         ;place piece in the spot
     move.b box_x,d0              ;I want to print the x or o,and the x or o is 2 off from the
                                  ;coords, so I load d0 and d1 with the box coords
     move.b box_y,d1              ;same as above
     add.w #2,d0                  ;Add 2 so I get coords of where to put the x or o
     add.w #2,d1                  ;same as above
     cmp.b #1,turn                ;compare to 1(x turn) to see who's turn it is
     bne oturn                    ;if it is not equal then it is o's turn so goto oturn
     lea x_sprite(pc),a0          ;load address of o sprite
     move.b #4,turn               ;since it was x's turn switch it to o's turn (4)
     move.b #3,d7                 ;it was x's turn, and in memory I represent x as the number
                                  ;one if I added 3 x's up the total would be 3.  I use this
                                  ;in my check for win code.
     bra skipover                 ;I don't want to do o's stuff so skip over
     lea o_sprite(pc),a0          ;load address of o sprite
     move.b #1,turn               ;since is was o's turn switch it to x's turn (1)
     move.b #12,d7                ;it was o's turn, and in memory I represent o as the number
                                  ;four.  If I added 3 o's up the total would be 12.  I use this
                                  ;in my check for win code.
     jsr graphlib::put_sprite     ;display the x or o

                                  ;begin of check win code
                                  ;check horzontal
     clr.l d1                     ;clear d1 so I can use it in check horzontal

     move.b coord_y,d1            ;load the current coord_y into d1 (last spot piece was put)
     lea board(pc),a0             ;laad address to the board into a0
     mulu #3,d1                   ;get offset to the row that the piece was put in
     adda d1,a0                   ;add offset to to the address of the board to get the start of
                                  ;the row
     move.b (a0)+,d2              ;move the first one in the row to d2
     add.b (a0)+,d2               ;add the second one in the row
     add.b (a0)+,d2               ;add the third one in the row
     bsr win                      ;go to win to see if there is a win

                                  ;check vertical
     clr.l d0                     ;clear d0 so I can use it with check vertical
     move.b coord_x,d0            ;load the current coord_x into d0 (last spot piece was put)
     lea board(pc),a0             ;load the address to the board into a0
     adda d0,a0                   ;add the offset to the first piece to the board address
     move.b (a0),d2               ;move the first piece into d2
     add.w #3,a0                  ;add the offset to the second piece to the board address
     add.b (a0),d2                ;add the second piece to d2
     add.w #3,a0                  ;add the offset to the third piece to the board address
     add.b (a0),d2                ;add the third piece to d2
     bsr win                      ;go to win to see if there is a win

                                  ;check diagonal #1
     lea board(pc),a0             ;load the address of the board into a0
     move.b (a0),d2               ;move the first piece into d2
     add.w #4,a0                  ;add the offset to the second piece to the board address
     add.b (a0),d2                ;add the second piece to d2
     add.w #4,a0                  ;add the offset to the third piece to the board address
     add.b (a0),d2                ;add the third piece to d2
     bsr win                      ;go to win to see if there is a win

                                  ;check diagonal #2
     lea board(pc),a0             ;load the address of the board into a0
     add.w #2,a0                  ;add the offset to the first piece to the board address
     move.b (a0),d2               ;move the first piece to d2
     add.w #2,a0                  ;add the offset to the second piece to the board address
     add.b (a0),d2                ;add the second piece to d2
     add.w #2,a0                  ;add the offset to the third piece to the board address
     add.b (a0),d2                ;add the third piece to d3
     bsr win                      ;go to win to se if there is a win

                                  ;check cat game
     clr.l d1
     move.l #8,d0
     lea board(pc),a0
     move.b (a0)+,d1
     cmp 0,d1
     beq loop                     ;if no winner and no cat game loop again
     dbra d0,daloop

     move.w #4,-(a7)
     pea itsatie(pc)
     move.w #42,-(a7)
     move.w #40,-(a7)
     jsr tios::DrawStrXY
     add.l #10,a7
     jsr util::idle_loop   
     bra Begin                     

     cmp.b d2,d7
     beq skip
     move.w #4,-(a7)
     cmp.b #3,d7
     beq x_wins
     pea owins(pc)
     bra skip_over
     pea xwins(pc)
     move.w #42,-(a7)
     move.w #56,-(a7)
     jsr tios::DrawStrXY
     add.l #14,a7                 ;10 plus the address from the bsr coming here
     jsr util::idle_loop
     bra Begin

     move.b box_x,d0              ;put x-coord in d0
     move.b box_y,d1              ;put y-coord in d0
     ext.w d0                     ;since put_sprite2 expects a word I sign extend to a word
     ext.w d1                     ;same as above
     lea box_sprite(pc),a0        ;address of sprite
     lea masknobox(pc),a2         ;address of mask
     jsr graphlib::put_sprite2    ;calls put_sprite which will create the box 

     move.b box_x,d0              ;x-coordinate in d0
     move.b box_y,d1              ;y-coordinate in d1
     ext.w d0                     ;since put_sprite2 expects a word I sign extend to a word
     ext.w d1                     ;same as above
     lea box_empty_sprite(pc),a0  ;erases box
     lea maskbox(pc),a2
     jsr graphlib::put_sprite2    ;calls putsprite which will ultimately delete the old box
     rts                          ;returns from subroutine

     lea board(PC),a0             
     move.l #0,(a0)+
     move.l #0,(a0)+
     move.b #0,(a0)+
     move.b #49,box_x             ;set coord for box position one
     move.b #15,box_y
     move.b #0,coord_x
     move.b #0,coord_y

drawgrid:                         ;draws 4 lines (the grid)
     move.l #LCD_MEM,a0           ;line 1
     move.w #47,d0                ;x1
     move.w #57,d1                ;y1
     move.w #113,d2               ;x2
     move.w #57,d3                ;y2
     jsr linelib::fline           ;calls library function to display a line

     move.l #LCD_MEM,a0           ;line 2
     move.w #47,d0
     move.w #35,d1
     move.w #113,d2
     move.w #35,d3
     jsr linelib::fline

     move.l #LCD_MEM,a0           ;line 3
     move.w #69,d0
     move.w #79,d1
     move.w #69,d2
     move.w #13,d3
     jsr linelib::fline

     move.l #LCD_MEM,a0           ;line 4
     move.w #91,d0
     move.w #79,d1
     move.w #91,d2
     move.w #13,d3
     jsr linelib::fline
     rts                          ;returns from subroutine

title_screen_grid:                ;draws the grid you see during the title screen
     move.l #LCD_MEM,a0           ;line 1
     move.w #75,d0                ;x1
     move.w #35,d1                ;y1
     move.w #65,d2                ;x2
     move.w #90,d3                ;y2
     jsr linelib::fline           ;calls library function

     move.l #LCD_MEM,a0           ;line 2
     move.w #95,d0
     move.w #35,d1
     move.w #85,d2
     move.w #90,d3
     jsr linelib::fline

     move.l #LCD_MEM,a0           ;line 3
     move.w #45,d0
     move.w #60,d1
     move.w #120,d2
     move.w #45,d3
     jsr linelib::fline

     move.l #LCD_MEM,a0           ;line 4
     move.w #45,d0
     move.w #80,d1
     move.w #120,d2
     move.w #65,d3
     jsr linelib::fline

     rts                          ;return

;--------------------------------------DATA SEGMENT-----------------------------------------
; sprites, strings, board and turn
x_sprite:                             ;the X sprite
     dc.w 15
     dc.w 2
     dc.b %10000000,%00000010;1
     dc.b %01000000,%00000100
     dc.b %00100000,%00001000
     dc.b %00010000,%00010000
     dc.b %00001000,%00100000
     dc.b %00000100,%01000000
     dc.b %00000010,%10000000
     dc.b %00000001,%00000000
     dc.b %00000010,%10000000
     dc.b %00000100,%01000000;10
     dc.b %00001000,%00100000
     dc.b %00010000,%00010000
     dc.b %00100000,%00001000
     dc.b %01000000,%00000100
     dc.b %10000000,%00000010;15

o_sprite:                              ;the O sprite
     dc.w 15
     dc.w 2
     dc.b %00000111,%11000000;1
     dc.b %00011000,%00110000
     dc.b %00100000,%00001000
     dc.b %01000000,%00000100
     dc.b %01000000,%00000100
     dc.b %10000000,%00000010
     dc.b %10000000,%00000010
     dc.b %10000000,%00000010
     dc.b %10000000,%00000010
     dc.b %10000000,%00000010;10
     dc.b %01000000,%00000100
     dc.b %01000000,%00000100
     dc.b %00100000,%00001000
     dc.b %00011000,%00110000
     dc.b %00000111,%11000000;15

     dc.w 19                            ;height of box_sprite
     dc.w 3                             ;width of box_sprite
     dc.b %11111111,%11111111,%11100000	;1
     dc.b %10000000,%00000000,%00100000	;this is the box that is moved around
     dc.b %10000000,%00000000,%00100000
     dc.b %10000000,%00000000,%00100000
     dc.b %10000000,%00000000,%00100000
     dc.b %10000000,%00000000,%00100000
     dc.b %10000000,%00000000,%00100000
     dc.b %10000000,%00000000,%00100000
     dc.b %10000000,%00000000,%00100000
     dc.b %10000000,%00000000,%00100000	;10
     dc.b %10000000,%00000000,%00100000
     dc.b %10000000,%00000000,%00100000
     dc.b %10000000,%00000000,%00100000
     dc.b %10000000,%00000000,%00100000
     dc.b %10000000,%00000000,%00100000
     dc.b %10000000,%00000000,%00100000
     dc.b %10000000,%00000000,%00100000
     dc.b %10000000,%00000000,%00100000
     dc.b %11111111,%11111111,%11100000	;19

     dc.b "Tic Tac Toe by:",0    ;description of the program
                                                ;Yes it is out of place, but I needed a odd
                                                ;byte string to make the next sprite start on
                                                ;an even address, so it would not barf

box_empty_sprite:                       ;this sprite is used to remove the box
     dc.w 19
     dc.w 3
     dc.b %00000000,%00000000,%00000000	;all 0's lets the box be transparent
     dc.b %00000000,%00000000,%00000000	;so the x's and o's will not be erased
     dc.b %00000000,%00000000,%00000000
     dc.b %00000000,%00000000,%00000000
     dc.b %00000000,%00000000,%00000000
     dc.b %00000000,%00000000,%00000000
     dc.b %00000000,%00000000,%00000000
     dc.b %00000000,%00000000,%00000000
     dc.b %00000000,%00000000,%00000000
     dc.b %00000000,%00000000,%00000000	;10
     dc.b %00000000,%00000000,%00000000
     dc.b %00000000,%00000000,%00000000
     dc.b %00000000,%00000000,%00000000
     dc.b %00000000,%00000000,%00000000
     dc.b %00000000,%00000000,%00000000
     dc.b %00000000,%00000000,%00000000
     dc.b %00000000,%00000000,%00000000
     dc.b %00000000,%00000000,%00000000
     dc.b %00000000,%00000000,%00000000	;19

;----------------------------KEEP TRACK OF POSITIONS BEING USED-----------------------------
turn dc.b 0                       ;keeps track of whos turn it is. It is placed above board
                                  ;because I need board to start on an even address.
    dc.b 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0        ;9 bytes represent the board

box_x dc.b 0                      ;x-coordinate of box either (49, 71, 93)
box_y dc.b 0                      ;y-coordinate of box either (15, 37, 59)
coord_x dc.b 0                    ;x-coordinate of current selection either (0, 1, 2)
coord_y dc.b 0                    ;y-coordinate of current selection either (0, 1, 2)

     dc.b "Nobody Wins",0
     dc.b "X Wins",0
     dc.b "O Wins",0
     dc.b "T i c  T a c  T o e",0    ;words displayed at title screen
     dc.b "By:",0
     dc.b "Steven Reagan",0       ;the author

