Re: A89: asm89 compiling errors


Re: A89: asm89 compiling errors

    I made compilation of 92+ prog for the 89 using Plusshell the batch
doesn t work at all so I decided to make a version of it. I didn t use the
sentence in the autoexec.bat here is my batch file (supposed that my ti89
files are stored in C:\Ti89 :

C:\Ti89\a68k\a68k.exe %1.asm -g -t -iC:\Ti89\include
c:\ti89\makeprgm %1
del %1.bin
del %1.o

I attached Phoenix compiled for the 89 note that the screen size of the 89
is smaller than the 92+ so you can t all of the screen play.

>I also had to edit the ASM89.bat
>In the version I have there was no path specified to mapkprgm
>så to get it to work, change the line
>makeprgm %1
>%ASM92P%\makeprgm %1
>and follow the other instructions given on this list..  it should work..

