Re: A89: info requested


Re: A89: info requested

In response to #1, you do not need any shell to run assembly programs on the 89.
However, if you plan on using games and such that were designed for a shell, you
need to have the libraries on your calc.  Basically, the libraries allow
programmers to share common code so as to save space on your calc and make their
job easier.  You can make games that do not require any libraries, i.e. Nibbles,
but this can lead to wasted memory.  These games are compiled the same way all
other assembly programs are compiled.

As to #2, I have no idea what the kernels do.  All you need to know is that in
order for a shell to properly run, you must have its kernel installed on your
calc.  Included in the zip file of the shell is a calc program which unistalls
the kernel, so that you can install another shell or something.

~Dave <> wrote:

> I just have a few questions to ask because I'm a little lost:
> 1.   I know that you NEEDED to use a shell for the 85, and a few other calcs
> to run asm progs...but I'm not sure you needed one on the 86 because it has
> built in asm support...Do you NEED a shell for the 89 or is it only to make
> programming easier?  Can you make games that do not need a shell, how do you
> compile them?
> 2.   Someone said that the shell cannot be deleted because it is installed in
> the "kernal" or something (i am probably mixing things up here) but it can be
> uninstalled with another program...why is the shell installed this way...why
> not just have it like usgard or something...
>      -Steven-

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