Re: Re: A86: Problems compiling


Re: Re: A86: Problems compiling

Assembly Studio uses the same .tab file as TASM, so unless there is a bug in
the assembler (which I would very seriously doubt), you will get the exact
same object code from either assembler.

> i think he meant that it just rets to the shell at the title screen. he
> should try compiling with tasm to see if there are different effects. that
> might solve it or at least might give some errors to look into. im not
> how assembly studio does it but most programs assemble all the code except
> erroneous code so u end up with the object code lacking a few operations
> which could cause returns to the shell or exits.
> >
> > So either way, it still crashes? Dude, have you considered it is a
> 'randon'
> > or non-reproducable bug in your program? I.e. interrupt problems. Or
> Perhaps
> > you have multiple bugs.

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