A86: Re: Bejota would like to know ...[SOUND]


A86: Re: Bejota would like to know ...[SOUND]

I assume you're talking about when in the OS, or when using _getkey in your
program (same as in the OS).  The reason for this is because _getkey (the OS
runs this when at the homescreen) reads keys AND the link port (this is how
silent linking is handled).  I'm no electronics expert, but I know that
headphones somehow screw with the link port and change the state of the
wires, so the calc thinks that something is sending data.  It's the same as
when the calc pauses when you plug in a link cord.  The way to overcome this
is to

a) wait until you're in a program to plugin the headphones
b) don't use _getkey in the program, or at least not with headphones plugged

> Yo guys.  This is a question for those of you who are experienced with
> PlayWAV routine.
> I got the headphones and the routine, and I HAVE played sound on the calc.
> But I got a problem:
> When the 'phones are plugged in, the prog freezes up until the phones are
> removed.  How can I overcome this "feature" in order to put sound into my
> games? (By the way:  NO, the sound did not play in the program.  It only
> if the WAV is the only thing in the program.)
> Any suggestions?
