Re: A86: An idea for an ASM program


Re: A86: An idea for an ASM program

I didn't know you meant the programmer was going to release the program
:-)  To be sure, a BASIC program shouldn't be released if it uses asaps.

Stephen Hicks wrote:
> Dux Gregis wrote:
> > Stephen Hicks wrote:
> > >
> > > no, the "0" before it puts something in Ans.  Also, if you were to use a
> > > function with parameters, you would run into several problems:
> > > (a) the user would have to install the token before the basic program would
> > > work.
> >
> > If all the asaps are used, display the message "No room to Install".
> > Otherwise use the first available asap.  Matt Shepcar posted a call that
> > will do all this for you (look at ROM central).
> So because this user has 3 asaps installed, he can't play such and such a basic game
> until he unninstalls one?
> > > (b) the token may conflict with other asaps (stat, fin, trig, asm, etc...) and
> > > if it is installed automatically, that would cause a problem.
> >
> > I think that a user would more upset about having to store the
> > parameters in variables and reading output in variables than having to
> > install a program.
> The user is a programmer - programmers shouldn't care.  Now if the program was
> intended to be used from the homescreen, i'd be all for making anasap to do it, but
> it's not iteneded for that purpose, so the disadvantages of making it into an asap
> outweigh the advantages
> > >
> > > Calling the asm program from the basic program with an Asm(beep) is really the
> > > best way.  The only time user tokens come in handy is when you want to add
> > > functionality to the user end of the os...
> --
> Stephen Hicks
> ICQ:5453914
> IRC/AIM:Kupopo
> Hopemage:

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