Re: A86: unlock


Re: A86: unlock

Stephen Hicks wrote:
this is all in the vKEY program, so you can't go back to the built-in key
handler (which would handle the exit) until the custom key handler is
done executing.
State: Mem reset menu
Key pressed: F4 (Yes)
Key-handler program output: EXIT

Ok.  We're clear on this.  But, what if the key handler called a subroutine, like this:

;Program: Mem Reset Key Handler
 call MemClear

 ;output EXIT key here
 call _clrLCD
 ld hl,MemClearText
 ld a,1
 ld _currow,a      ;or whatever it is
 ld _curcol,a      ;ditto
 call _puts
 ;put cursor at home position

 .db: "Mem Cleared, Defaults Set"    ;Just for example (one-line)


Would that work?

