Re: A86: more problems...


Re: A86: more problems...

Roy Wong wrote:

> Woah... i tried that, and i got tons of trash..., maybe i used it wrong,
> here's a snip of the code:
> right:
>  ld a,119
>  cp b
>  jp z,loop
>  ld hl,$fc00
>  ld de,$fc00
>  ld bc,$3ff

you lose bc, try pushing / poppingalso it might be a good idea to move this
code to the beginning of the putsprite routine so that you only need to copy
it once.

>  ld (hl),0
>  inc hl
>  ldir
>  ld ix,ship
>  inc b
>  call PutSprite
>  jp loop
> And then the ship also seems to flicker up and down, how do i stop that?
