Re: A86: more problems...


Re: A86: more problems...

Woah... i tried that, and i got tons of trash..., maybe i used it wrong,
here's a snip of the code:

 ld a,119
 cp b
 jp z,loop
 ld hl,$fc00
 ld de,$fc00
 ld bc,$3ff
 ld (hl),0
 inc hl
 ld ix,ship
 inc b
 call PutSprite
 jp loop

And then the ship also seems to flicker up and down, how do i stop that?

Damnation / Alan Wong
-----Original Message-----
From: Joshua Grams <>
To: <>
Date: Wednesday, July 15, 1998 10:59 AM
Subject: Re: A86: more problems...

>At 10:51 AM 7/15/98 -0400, you wrote:
>>And how to i refresh the screen without clearing any variables (like
>>and _clrScrn). I tried using
>>push bc
>>pop bc
>>, but is that as good as it can get?
>Try using
>ld hl,$fc00
>ld de,$fc00
>ld bc,$3ff
>ld (hl),0
>inc hl
>I think that should work, but I might have something backwards...
