Re: A86: er....Output?


Re: A86: er....Output?

On Sat, 4 Jul 1998 12:14:26 EDT writes:
>Ok...I understand (pretty much) how to take user input to OP1 (in 
>variable form, anyway), and I also understand how to do things to OP1
>rooting, that stuff), but I am stumped as to how to display what is in

_dispop1 = $515B
displays op1 like the answers on the home screen

otherwise, normal font:
	ld hl,$0000		;that's col,row
	ld (_currow),hl		;$c00f
	call _formreal		;$5191
	ld hl,_op3		;$c09f
	call _puts		;$4a37

small font:
	ld hl,$0000		;that's row,col
	ld (_pencol),hl		;$c37c
	call _formreal		;$5191
	ld hl,_op3		;$c09f
	call _vputs		;$4aa5

>once I am done with the math routines.  Also, how do I load things into

if you want to load variables, etc. to op2, i think you have to load it
into op1 and call _op1toop2 ($4233)  if you want to load a constant or
copy from another op register, try looking through my rom call listing at


>												Stephen


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