Re: A86: Good place for a highscore ?


Re: A86: Good place for a highscore ?

A good way to save highscores is using this routine by Jimmy Mardell just before your program exits.  I hope this helps. 

	ld hl,ProgName
	rst 20h
	rst 10h
	ex de,hl
	ld a,b
	ld de,HIGHSCORE-$D748+4
	add hl,de
	adc a,0
	ld b,2 ;load into b # of bytes HIGHSCORE is 
	push af
	push hl
	call $46c3
	ld a,(de)
	ld (hl),a
	pop hl
	pop af
	call $4637
	inc de
	djnz RepCopy

;GAME is case-sensitive name of program as recognized
;by calc, the 4 is amount of letters in name of 

  .db $12,4,"GAME"

  .db 0,0

On Tue, 29 Dec 1998 13:14:25   Thomas Bladh wrote:
>I was wondering what would be the best place
>in memory for saving a highscore. I have it 
>working at $F688 (8000 bytes into _asm_exec_ram)
>this seems to be a safe place as it will only be 
>overwritten if a program larger than 8k is loaded. It is 
>however far from ideal. One idea would be to create 
>a string variable and store the data in it. 
>What would be the best way of solving this problem ?
>/Thomas Bladh(

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