Re: A86: Asteroids


Re: A86: Asteroids

In a message dated 13/12/98 13:44:07 Pacific Standard Time,

<< The original asteroids, at least the version for the Atari 2600, used
 bitmapped graphics for everything, whereas the version for the 85 used a
 polygon for the ship and bitmaps for the asteroids.  Also, I the 85 version
 just had it start out with one asteroid, then two, then three, etc.  The
 original always had a fleet when you started, and they moved up and down on
 the two sides, not just randomly.  So if you are looking to do a clone, it
 hasn't been done! >>

I apologize... I'm not a big fan of Asteroids, as I said earlier. Don't want
to stomp on anyone's hopes here... I'm REALLY sorry...
 << Which brings up another point I've been thinking about lately.  There a
 whole lot of Atari 2600 games that haven't been done for the calc.  I have
 tons of games on my calc, and what does everyone play?  Frogger!!!  I think
 that says something right there.  People prefer Frogger to Mario or
 Galaxian. >>

That's odd... I show someone something on my calc (look at what I've been
working on!) and after a few minutes of playing with whatever I've showed
them, I turn around and they're playing zTetris...